Saturday, January 29, 2011

8th graders pizza and snow

Liz has promised to write in the next 2 days. Stay tuned!

We are now a month into retreat season.  they tell us the hardest and busiest parts of the season are over except for the holiday weekend in febuary.  Instead of having groups here 5-7 days a week it will go down to just the weekends. 

The past two weeks Ive had two wheaton college groups. The first was the group of people that give tours on campus and the other was the lacrosse team.  Both were pretty relaxed and I was just there to facilitate activities.  It was great to be in community with them for the short time they were here. They took the effort to bring me into their already established groups, praying and encouraging me.  It was great.

Which brings us to the last 72 hours; prolly the hardest and most frustrating of my recent life.  It was a group of 66 public school 8th graders. I was responsible for just 8 of them.  Never in my life had I been so frustrated for such an extended period of time. At first I thought that it was the age level, I had been working with college kids for the last couple weeks. But after I had a chance to consider those 72 hours, I found that it was because they don’t have Jesus.  They live in the mold that ke$ha, snooki and lil wayne provide for them. They have no concept of selflessness or righteous living, and even if they do, they have no reason to practice it.  I wish I would have thought that way when I was with them but I just blamed them, instead of loving on them like God has loved on me. The week was far from wasted, God’s teaching me about myself in it all.  It’s probably better left to conversation, but I have a few regrets, a few confessions, and a lot more to learn about Love.

Gas prices havnt changed since December; its been a steady $2.19 every trip to town.

It wasn’t fun being a bears fan up here.

Me and liz went to get pizza in town, they didn’t have plates or forks. They said it was because pizza is a finger food, but I think we all know that its to save some coin.  Before we went I called and asked the owner what time he was open till he said, “I don’t know, maybe around 8.”  

I just stepped outside to shovel the new snow and welcome a new group. It looks like we got 6 inches in the last 4 hours and its not stopping. The trees seem burdened with snow. A couple of their branches dipped to mouth level offering me a snowy drink while shoveling; others bent to head level so they could dump snow down my back when I brushed against them.

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